Hunki Dori Blog
How to use an Eye Pillow October 21, 2014 14:46
How to use your Eye Pillow
So, you don't get the whole Eye Pillow thing?
Wondering how to use an Eye Pillow?
5 Reasons to try out an aromatherapeutic Eye Pillow:
1. Excellent remedy for relief of Migraines, Sinus Headaches or Relaxation
1. During YOGA: Aroma-Therapeutic-Savasana Just throw one in your yoga mat bag!
2. Take 5 De-Stress @ Work: Peaceful Space + Eye Pillow = Happier & More Productive ~ Place an Eye Pillow on top of your warm Computer = Scentsational-Transformation
3. Me Time: Value yourself. Pamper yourself. Love yourself.....first. Nurture your mind, body and spirit
4. For Your Child: Introduce the benefits of Aromatherapy to your Child. Recommended for Children who struggle with Anxiety, OCD, ADHD, Sleep Disorders
Aromatherapy is one of the most natural ways you can improve your mood and enhance your Life
Treat yourself to an Eye Pillow
We think you're worth it!
Hunki Dori can help your Migraines ...say what? April 4, 2014 10:30
Hunki Dori
Eye Pillows and Turbas
May help relieve your Migraine?

How to narrow them down?
Start a Migraine Diary
Document for 30 days. Adjust your life accordingly.
See a doctor if home remedies are not enough to relieve your pain.
Home Remedies for Migraines
Eye Pillow
(room temperature, warm or cold) placed on your eyes or forehead
Tie something around the head such as a
Don't dehydrate, this is a migraine trigger, drink plenty of water
Lie in a dark quite room
Don't consume caffeine because too much can cause headaches,
...but if you don't consume it and feel a migraine starting, drink a beverage that has caffeine.
How to Prevent a Migraine?
Oldies but goodies…old-fashioned Home Remedies:
Drink fresh carrot juice
Drink hot green tea with jasmine
Massage the forehead to the base of the skull
Inhale vapors of a mixture of:
One tablespoon camphor, and one tablespoon of spirits of ammonia.
Soak the feet up to the ankles in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes. This brings blood down to the feet, thus reducing the pressure on the head. Also if you're anemic, and the forehead becomes cold tie a hanky around the forehead and drink a small cup of strong black coffee.
Try to get enough SLEEP and keep sleep patterns the same.
Try to RELAX and find a HOBBY that brings you joy
Treat yourself to a MASSAGE (MOOD Body Oils) if possible
MEDITATE each day.
You may not get a headache soon after food is consumed. It may be a day or so before one has a migraine attack. And that makes it harder to remember what we have eat, or drank the day before. Many people endure nearly constant headaches, never dreaming the cause could be something in their diet, something we all love to eat.
Foods and Scents can cause Migraines
It's believe that out of around forty five million headache sufferers, and twenty eight million migraine sufferers (just in the USA alone) there are millions that suffer from migraine food triggers.
You may not get a headache soon after you consume something.
It may take up to a day.
That's why it's so important to keep a Migraine Diary. Just print it off and keep track of the migraines, and what was consumed up to a day before the attack.
You may not get a headache soon after food is consumed. It may be a day or so before one has a migraine attack. And that makes it harder to remember what we have eat, or drank the day before. Many people endure nearly constant headaches, never dreaming the cause could be something in their diet, something we all love to eat.
Many foods, food additives, and other food-related constituents contain chemicals that affect the constriction of cranial vessels that triggers the migraines.
Migraine Food Triggers
- Tyramine, found in some cheeses, red wine, pickled fish, and certain types of processed meat.
- Chocolate, cocoa and carob.
- Nuts (including peanut butter even though peanuts are not a nut, but a legume)
- Citrus fruits, bananas, figs, red plums, and raisins.
- Beans
- Fruits such as bananas, citrus fruits, and avocados.
- Pickles, marinated food.
- Dairy product such as aged cheese, sour cream.
- Fermented products such as soy sauce, and breads with high yeast content.
- Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausage bacon, and ham.
- MSG found in most processed foods especially in canned soups.
Migraine Drink Triggers
- When it comes to migraines, better to put on a pound than drink diet sodas.
- If you were to go solely by the information about aspartame that you can find on the Internet, you might very well think this product was created by the devil himself.
- But if there's any chance the migraines may be from drinking this, stay away from it.
- Aaspartame is highly addictive, believe it or not.
- When you drink one, not long after that you want another.
Histamine is in wine and beer.
If sensitive to dust, pollen, or any foods, the body makes extra histamine, then if you consume red wine, or even champagne, two much histamine can give a migraine attack.
Fragrances, Smoking, and Stress, can also trigger Migraines.
The others, like the changes in the WEATHER that one has no control over, are a bit tougher.
Parts of the content for this Blog was taken from Disclaimer: The above is for information only. Don't delay going to a physician because of something you've read on this website. - See more at:
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Don't delay going to a physician because
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This website is for information only.
Don't delay going to a physician because
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This website is for information only.
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